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from dialehti on 06/21/2015 04:34 PMI am so glad I got the opportunity to create a blog! I am going to post my students' works on that page from now on!
healthy food- healthy me!
from dialehti on 06/21/2015 12:17 AMTo project αυτο υλοποιήθηκε στα πλαίσια της ευέλικτης ζώνης με τη Β Δημοτικού.
yoga benefits
from athanasiacake on 06/20/2015 09:50 PMΑθανασία Γκρόζου
Δημοτικό Σχολείο Τυχερού
from efmakis on 06/19/2015 12:45 AMH συγκεκριμένη φρουτοσαλάτα φτιάχτηκε από τους μαθητές της Ε΄τάξης του 5ου δημ. σχ. Ξάνθης τη φετινή σχ. χρονιά, με αφορμή το Unit 9 του σχ. βιβλίου της Δ΄τάξης. Οι μαθητές κυριολεκτικά απόλαυσαν τη διαδικασία και φυσικά τη σαλάτα!
Ακολουθεί ο σύνδεσμος με την παρουσίαση: Making a fruit salad with yoghurt!
Geography and National Historical Landmarks
from athanasiacake on 06/18/2015 07:36 PM
Nelly the small caterpillar
from dialehti on 06/16/2015 11:43 PMHi everyone! I prepared this prezi presentation for my first graders since we did alot of work as far as this book is concerned.
Νικολαΐδου Διαλεχτή
1ο και 2ο Δημοτικό Σχολείο Σουφλίου
Order of multiple adjectives
from athanaseli on 06/16/2015 10:39 PMΔήμητρα Αθανασέλη
1ο ΓΕΛ Ξάνθης
Νέλλυ Ζαφειριάδου
I made this to adapt a series of exercises on this grammar point found in B2 coursebooks (e.g. Wishes). It could be used in the classic presentation/practice/production lesson frame but it could also be the language focus stage after tasks involving the use of multiple adjectives (when students describe, compare or contrast stuff). It was fun doing it but my old computer didn't make it easy!
from GeorgiaKosma on 06/14/2015 08:49 PMNewly born wiki for the new school year 2015-2016 !!!