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Echinos Junior High School English Site
from athanaseli on 07/02/2015 09:45 AMDimitra Athanaseli
Echinos Junior High School
a new site to help learners with their learning English
Nelly Zafeiriades
As I didn't get a tranfer I will most probably be working at the junior high school up in Echinos next year. Those of you who have worked with learners from the mountain region are more aware of the complexities and particularities of such a learning context. This site is designed as a preliminary framework for next year and my intention is to involve the student in its development. So a lot will be redesigned to suit the actual learners' profile and needs. That is also why the site is not completed and the tools, links and activities incorporated are only indicative of what it might include. I'm posting the incomplete site now because I will have to travel and stay at a village for the summer with limited internet access opportunities.
The address is:
writing a review
from athanaseli on 06/22/2015 03:44 PMΔήμητρα Αθανασέλη
1ο ΓΕΛ Ξάνθης
This wiki was created for students in senior high schools. It can be exploited after a class has attended a theatrical performance. Learners can work in groups and write their play review.
In order to see the wiki you need to become a member. Here is the code but it expires on June 29:
and the address:
Order of multiple adjectives
from athanaseli on 06/16/2015 10:39 PMΔήμητρα Αθανασέλη
1ο ΓΕΛ Ξάνθης
Νέλλυ Ζαφειριάδου
I made this to adapt a series of exercises on this grammar point found in B2 coursebooks (e.g. Wishes). It could be used in the classic presentation/practice/production lesson frame but it could also be the language focus stage after tasks involving the use of multiple adjectives (when students describe, compare or contrast stuff). It was fun doing it but my old computer didn't make it easy!